Appelusa is a poly-synesthete and internationally exhibited multimedia artist. She is best known
for her work as an artistic roller skater and choreographer in the entertainment industry. As an
artist, Appelusa explores combining physical forms with shapes, light, color and movement in
order to exemplify how her synesthesia manifests. Appelusa is also a certified bioenergetic
practitioner and founder of Light Body Energetics, a healing arts initiative. In 2017, Appelusa
was the artistic director and producer of Synaesthesia Dance Experience: 4D multisensory show
(SDE), as part of a large scale exhibition in Los Angeles entitled Synaesthesia: What is the taste
of the color blue? SDE was the first of its kind to showcase synesthete dancers, visual artists,
choreographers, and multimedia art as an immersive multisensory show for the audience.
Appelusa is a founding member of The International Association of Synaesthetes, Artists and
Scientists, and serves as the organization’s Dance Curator. She also hosts Synesthete Artists and
Synesthetes Los Angeles Facebook Groups. Appelusa is also on the board of Journey Through
the Senses and is beyond excited to serve as the organization’s Mind/Body Curator.
Exhibition History
2021- Synesthesia in Africa: Discovery, Awareness, Research, and Outreach
2019- Museum of Moscow, Moscow, Russia
2019- Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE), Moscow, Russia
2017 - Building Bridges Art Exchange, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA
"Synaesthesia: What is the taste of the color blue?"
2017 - Building Bridges Art Exchange, Bergamot Station, Santa Monica, CA
2009 - Carpe Arte Gallery, North Hollywood, CA
2009 - Amsterdam Cafe, North Hollywood, CA
2008 - The Grind, Venice, CA
2007 -The Hangar 1018, Los Angeles, CA
2007 - Hive Gallery “Cannibal Flower” Group Show, Los Angeles, CA
2006 - Melrose Lightspace, Los Angeles, CA
Selected Group Shows
2004 - "Envisioning the Future" Pomona Arts Colony, Pomona, CA
2003 - College of the Canyons, Valencia, CA
Bree Salon, Studio City, CA 2012
Spumoni Italian Restaurant, Calabasas, CA "Door" and "Brugge" 2009
College of the Canyons, Valencia, CA "Brugge" 2004
Curatorial Projects
2017 - Actors' Gang, Culver City, CA "Synaesthesia Dance Experience"
Artistic Director, Producer, Skating Choreographer
Publications and Media
Appelusa "Can a Live Dance Exhibition Reveal the Synesthetic Experience?" Synaesthesia: Cross-Sensory Aspects of Cognition Across Science and Art 2019
"Meet Appelusa" Voyage LA, July 3, 2018
Maureen Seaberg “Synesthesia on Wheels: Champion Skater Appelusa's Rolling Sensorium” Psychology Today 2017
Shana Nys Dambrot “Please do touch the art: What is the Taste of the Color Blue at BBAX” Huffington Post 2017
Jessica Belle-Hewett “Rollerskating in LA With Appelusa” Maggie’s Journal 2015
Self Publications
“Playroom” 2008
Christine Palma "Echo in the Sense" KXLU 2017
"Envisioning the Future" Documentary, digital arts group 2004
Professional Accomplishments
Secretary, Journey Through the Senses, Scheduled 2022 Exhibition
Founding Member, International Association of Synaesthetes, Artists, and Scientists (IASAS) 2017
Curator for the first U.S. Synaesthesia International Exhibition Live Dance Event
Host Synesthesia Artists and Synesthetes in Los Angeles social groups
2021-2022 Maharishi International University, BAAS, Minor in Ayurveda, summa cum laude
1999-2001 California Art Institute
1999-2006 Moorpark College, Associate of Arts Degree
2004-2006 College of the Canyons
2017 Reiki Level I/II Certifications
2019 Biopulsar Biofeedback Technician Certification
2019 Biofield Tuning Foundations Certification
2019 Biofield Tuning Practitioner Certification
2020 Vibrational Fascia Release Technique Certification
2023 Soma Breath Certification